Thursday, May 28, 2009

Perth -May 09

We all survived the flight across to Perth! I wasn't so keen on the bassinet thing on the plane, especially when the alternative was sleeping in Dad's arms! The 'dad option' is so much more comfortable. Der! Mum and Dad were so busy during the flight they didn't even get to watch a movie! Although to be honest, I don't think they really thought they'd be able to!

When we got to Perth we were met by Paw Paw (Grandma Woo) and Kong Kong (Grandpa Woo). They were both very excited to see me as I'd grown heaps since they last saw me.

I got my first cold in Perth. Mum and Dad came down with it too. We're not too sure who started it - but we shared it around all the same. It was everyone's first experience of sleepless nights. Not pretty. It was a strange coincidence that the talking heads on the television couldn't stop talking about some swine-thingy. Lucky that wasn't what we caught! 

The weather in Perth was glorious. A real extension of summer for us. Such a treat! There was lots of lawn-time, which suited me fine as I LOVE N.F.T. (nappy free time).

...and I still love to hold and suck my toes too. Aunty Kate calls me 'Mr Suck-My-Toe' because that's just what I do! I also discovered buffalo grass was quite prickly, as you can see by the surprised expression on my face in the picture above.

We caught up with lots of friends over the two weeks and on Mother's Day, Paw Paw and Kong Kong hosted a lunch at their place. There were heaps of people and a total of 9 mums in attendance! I met lots of relatives and had loads of cuddles with everyone. 

Here I am having cuddles with Aunty Bin, who did heaps to help choose my middle name. She also used to help cuddle my Mum and Aunty Linda when they were babies!

We also went to visit Chloe and Marcella before we left.

....oh, and I discovered rusks! YUM!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Last days in Sydney...

We were very lucky to be able to stay with Great Aunt Isabel for a few days before we flew to Perth. She was very tolerant of us spreading ourselves out all over her apartment and we had some great early morning conversations while reading the finance section of the Sydney Morning Herald! I tell no lies!

It was also very lucky that we had a glorious view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge from her apartment and access to the Ferries. We went on a family outing on the harbour one day. Mum and Dad took some photos of the bridge and the Opera House so that when I grow up, I know that I was in Sydney!

I'm now well into my solid foods. I enjoy pumpkin the best...although broccoli and cauliflower are pretty good too. I usual wear most of it around my mouth though! As seen in the photo below.

We also attended Sabine Winterburn's christening. It was hard to get a photo with the special lady because she was WALKING! It was tough keeping up with her, especially as I'm not even crawling yet! 

But I did have dinner with my other lady friend, Juno. She was having a cuddle with Jen Pritchard and all I could do was lean in for a hair pull. I don't know what came over me.

And here I am at the airport with Aunty Kate and Granny. It was sad to say goodbye - but everyone has trips planned before the end of the year so it was more 'see you later!'. Grandpa and Granny are going to make a big trip of it and drive over (yeah amazing huh!). So before long I'll be showing them all my favourite haunts in Broome! We might even find some new ones together!

Friday, May 22, 2009

People and places

We're back from Broome, WA. You'll have to wait for a little bit longer to hear how we are settling in. First things first. Or should I say - last things first.

Our last weeks in Sydney were very busy. Looking back, it's all a bit of a haze...but there were lots of people and places. 

1. Here I'm being treated to 'this little piggy...' with my Great Aunty Isabel. I should really be paying more attention!

2. Aunty Mich and Uncle Lee were in Sydney over Easter - so as a special treat (for them not me!) I got dressed up in a Cow outfit they bought for me from Singapore. Lots of laughing for everyone. Glad I can still entertain the peeps!

3. We spent a wonderful week in Scone after our house was packed up by the removalists. Loads of fun and games with Grandpa.

...and with Dad.

4. I also got to wear the sleeping bag that Granny knitted me. It was so snuggly and warm. Perfect for the cold Scone night! Unfortunately it is very unlikely I will need it in Broome.
...I even lay infront of an open fire for the first time in my life!!