Thursday, January 21, 2010

Christmas... WOW! cool is Christmas?! I had such a great time. Partially because everyone gets holidays and I have more people to play with...but also because there's all this shiny stuff that is fun to rip up. Mum and Dad call it wrapping paper.

We spent Christmas in Perth with Kong Kong and Paw Paw. Aunty Linda and Aunty DC came to Perth too. There was lots to do and see. I played with my second cousins, met second cousin James for the first time (he's two years old now), met some other bubba's like me, went to the park, swam in cold water (compared to home!) and ate ice cream for the first time too!

Here I am doing an early Christmas morning inspection. Just having a look at all the presents and trying to figure out which shiny parcel was most attractive!

'What do we do with all these pressies?'

Paw Paw needed some help with opening her presents, so I thought I'd step up to the job!

Extended family photo!


'I love noodles!'

Hanging with m' aunties!

Mum likes to smell my toes. After she smells them, I have a turn. We won't want to be doing this once I get shoes!

Rock n wrestling with Dad. "slam! take that sucker!!" :)

Aunty Linda taught me something new and here I am practising with Mum. 'Cheers!'

We caught up with lots of family and friends but unfortunately we forgot to bring the camera out on some occasions. If we get hold of some pics, I'll post them up later!

Love Ed x

Broome A-buzz

The end of 2009 brought with it some very special Broome excitement. I know, you're saying 'what could be more exciting than Christmas?'....and I would have agreed with you, but read on and you'll find out what changed my mind.

1. The opening of Bran Nue Dae
The Bran Nue Dae screening, including special VIP Pindan red carpet, was held at Sun Pictures. Broome was buzzing as it welcomed Ernie Dingo, Jessica Mauboy, Missy Higgins (who's often a local up here anyway), Dan Sultan and Nigali Lawford - who celebrated with the locals who were involved and/or appeared in the movie. A free public performance was held before the screening. There was much fun and dancing on the street!

2. The Pigram Brothers played a pre-Christmas gig.
A very special local event, which unfortunately I got left at home for! It was a bit past my bedtime afterall!

3. Cyclones
Cyclone Laurence! Yes! Our first cyclone experience. It was all very exciting, although it seems the locals are very chilled out about cyclones and cyclone warnings! Mum had our emergency kit prepared well before we actually had to! It got to a 'yellow alert', which I think means 'prepare for the cyclone' and where were we? We'd arranged a Pork Bun and Steamboat festival with the Collins/McDonalds!

Nothing was going to stand between us and a feast!

Here's Anna and Tully preparing the homemade Wontons! YUM!
The pork buns in their pre-steamed glory. Double YUM!

4. Red skys
Every once in a while, because of reasons I don't know or understand, the sky goes red just before night fall. It's quite eerie but also stunning. No photoshop has been used, I promise!

Friday, January 8, 2010

First steps

I'm just going to take a small step (mind the pun) ahead of the chronology of life and add in a quick flick of me walking. I've promised here it is.

PS - we've just returned back form holidays and our washing machine broke down - so sorry you have to witness the big piles of washing I have to manoeuvre through!