Well - I mentioned there was lots to catch up on...
1. Fathers Day at Town Beach.

2. Black Arm Band played on Male Oval as part of the Shinju Matsuri Festival. Many Shinju Matsuri public events were cancelled this year due to the local Council's action against Broome's sister city Taiji in Japan. Check out 'The Cove' if you want a better idea of the controversy. Many locals with deep Japanese heritage (many with specific Taiji links) were left feeling hurt and/or angered. There is still a bit of healing going on now.
Anyway, luck for us, the Black Arm Band was NOT one of the events cancelled! It was a TOP show...and a great night out! I saw most of it, then fell asleep for a bit on Dad's shoulder. I woke up for the end of it as we walked home to the tune that Zoe and Winnos sang at Mum and Dad's wedding!
3. This guy, Macca, came to town and pulled a big crowd at the local ABC Radio studio one early Sunday morning. Although not as big a crowd as the Black Arm Band! And definitely a different demographic!

5. I love helping out with the laundry. Sorting the whites from the colours ain't such great fun...but pressing the buttons on the machine and trying to climb into the machine is most excellent!

6. My fave lady on the airwaves, Miranda, left town and headed back to Darwin. We shared one more drink. Beer for the lady, milk all the way for me. You can see that my conversation-making wasn't that fabulous at this point in the night. Secretly, inside, I was devastated she was leaving, we had such a great day out at Mud Footy earlier in the season.

6. We still try and get to the beach as much as possible. Kite surfers are out in full force now with the stronger winds. Mum gets a bit worried that a kite surfer will lose control of the big heavy sail and they'll come crashing down on our head! So we try and stay clear. It's pretty exciting to watch! Even Champy can't keep his eyes off them!
8. Soon to add to my general physical repertoire: climbing. Here I'm trying for a good foot hold to climb the television table, whilst watching Rage.

9. Yes - Mum and Dad still dress me up in various things. This hat is from Paw Paw and Kong Kong from their travels to Croatia. I'm the only kid in town who can boast a three tee-shirt collection specifically from the shores of Croatia!

9. Go Parra! They tried hard in the final...but just not hard enough to win the game. Dad was so excited it was like he had ants in his pants for days before the big game. When he screamed during the match I was a bit scared....but Mum told me it was screams of joy. There were almost tears though, when Broome had a blackout towards the end of the first half.
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