What a whirlwind couple of months! We've been pretty busy up here in the North West. Mum went back to work for a couple of months, Dad went away for a couple of weeks, I met some new friends in child care, we've had visitors and I've even squeezed a short trip to Perth!
So sorry that updates have been a bit thin on the ground, but here's some 'catch up photos'. More to come shortly....I promise!
1. Receiving a gift from Grandma Mailer when they came to visit. Books rock!

2. Three generation Mailers in front of the computer 'skyping' with Aunty Kate back in Scone.

4. Grandma Mailer gave me a hair cut before they left. What do you think of my 'new do'?

5. Dad went to Adelaide for work for two weeks and Aunty Jo came to visit over the weekend. I got sick that weekend, so we didn't get out much but on the Sunday before she left we did a Sunday session at Matso's Brewery.

6. Then I took a quick trip to Perth. Kong Kong and Paw Paw looked after me while Mum worked and did some dance classes.

7. Uncy Dave and Aunty Jules came to visit too. They went up to Cape Leveque for a few days and then went on the Gibb River Road for a week. TOP TRIP! It was great to catch up with them. Mum and Dad definitely miss all their friends from the East Coast!

8. I'm really getting into investigating EVERYTHING around the house. Mum loves these two pics. The second one she loves because she is still obsessing about my feet and toes! Yep, there they are peeking out from under my bum-bum!

Bye for now!
Ed-ster x
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