Mum's been going crazy with the videos lately, so we thought we might return to 'old skool' pictures!
Here I am hanging out with my new Mothers Group posse. The other babies are a mix of ages from about a month younger and a month older, and there are a few more girls than boys (alright!). I'm still a bit shy, but I'm sure once I start crawling I'll be after everyone else's toys!

Dad's been playing his guitar quite a bit, which has been tops. The latest song on high rotation is Tracy Chapman's 'Fast Car'. Oh ... he's still playing various Neil Young classics of course! Yeah!

On a beach just north of Willies Creek, Champy tried to dig himself back to Broome. He's loving the great outdoors as much as I am and yesterday we held hands/paws for the first time. I'm sure we are going to be best buddies!

I'm well into size 0 clothes now, but I find some t-shirt brands difficult to get over my head. In the picture below you can see that it will be the size of my stomach that is going to be the problem soon!!

Below is a picture of our very latest beach set up. It is a constantly evolving thing. The camping table was purchased on the weekend from a garage sale and Dad was very happy with the price! Mum still wishes we'd left that garage sale with the outdoor Chaise Lounge for our verandah.
Can you see the mattress in the boot of the car? Well, I slept in that for a few hours that night, so that Mum and Dad could stay down at the beach after the sunset! I took a bit of convincing to fall asleep, but I got there in the end. In fact I did so well that we are going to try camping this coming weekend and that will be my 'swag'.

More sunsets. We can't get enough of them! Isn't it amazing how the clouds on the horizon look like land mass?

Catch ya soon! Eddie
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