Finally, after all those details about how we got here. Here are some pictures of where we actually ARE!
(NB: This post is proudly brought to you by a local car hire company here in Broome.)
1. Cable Beach. Our first visit down to Gantheaume Point where Ness and Andy gave us the heads up about leash free, run like the wind, dog action. Unfortunately it was a bit overcast on the day of our first visit, so it doesn't look amazingly spectacular. No worries, we spend many an afternoon/evenings down there so there will be more pics to come from this spot!

2. Just north of Willies Creek. Apparently there's a Pearl Farm you can visit around there...but we were more interested in the beach and a swim that particular day!

3. Me in my car seat, having survived my first gravel (corrugated) road experience. Just making sure we all slip, slop slap before stepping out into the sun!

4. The family enjoying the above sunset - including Bruce the Bruiser (aka Land Cruiser) the newest addition to the family. You can see Dad's shadow on the left of the shot.
5. As promised, more sunsets from Gantheaume Point. One of the best so far due to the amazing cloud formation.

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