Well, Christmas came and went. It all happens so fast!
I have to admit that I did sleep through most of Christmas day though. Including the present opening in the morning, lunch and dinner (is there really any more to Christmas that those activities!?). This meant that everyone could all eat together - so I think I was considered an angel for timing my naps like that!
Some people are so easily pleased! :)

I was up for long enough to have a good cuddle with Aunty Kate though! 

I brought up my lunch all over my first outfit, so had a costume change for Christmas dinner. I'm 'dressed by Paw-Paw' for both outfits!
Holidays are so much fun, because every one is around 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. As you can see from the photo on the left, Dad really enjoyed it too. Don't look too carefully, or you'll spot his tonsils!

My very first visit to the beach was a bit windy, so I did the only thing I could think of in such conditions - rug up against Mum's chest and go to sleep. In this picture I'm still a bit uncertain. The only wind I trust normally exits my bottom.
I'm getting more comfortable with sitting upright as my neck muscles are getting stronger, but I still need to lean up against something.

Talk about a big two weeks! I'm still in shock. A nice shock that is. Life is just getting better and better! I even attended my first wedding last weekend. (Congrats Kate and Nick!)
Here's a list of my 'firsts' from the last two weeks:
First ...
- Christmas
- Mailer family holiday
- time away from home
- time sleeping in my port-a-cot
- time at the beach
- wedding
- lengthy car ride
- consecutive 38+ degree days
...and to think I'm only 10 weeks old!
Since coming home, Mum and Dad have moved my cot into my room and I'm sleeping alone in there! There's another thing to add that to the list of firsts! Being away is loads of fun, but gee it's nice to be home!
Love Ed
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