We stayed in a big townhouse with loads of other people, including two other babies. It was right opposite a playground so I was able to practice one of my new words alot....'swing'. I also got to meet my cousin Ella for the first time. She is choice!
We had an awesome few days.

Dad and I were re-enacting our version of 'that' popular scene from TITANIC at the front of the boat in the playground...but it kind of ended up looking a bit like Dad was doing a 'Michael Jackson' over a hotel balcony.

This is the marvellous 'GUP GANG'..minus the Gassman Family who began their return journey to Sydney that morning.

Walking the 'gup with Dad. Saw some big waves. I guess anything was going to be big - as we don't have any in Broome! But Dad assured me he wouldn't have survived them on a surfboard.

Bath time with Cousin Ella. She pretty much smiled like this for the 5-days we hung out together. Told you she was choice!

Blue steel. Jetson's style.

It may look like I'm crumping or breakdancing...it may look like I'm having a sugar surge...it may even look like I've swallowed some ice. But really....I'm doing my impersonation of Steven Hawkins.

Once I got home to Broome...I couldn't help but re-live the glorious moments of our road trip... in my very own car.
Peace love and all the good stuff.
Ed x
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