Our last weeks in Sydney were very busy. Looking back, it's all a bit of a haze...but there were lots of people and places.
1. Here I'm being treated to 'this little piggy...' with my Great Aunty Isabel. I should really be paying more attention!

2. Aunty Mich and Uncle Lee were in Sydney over Easter - so as a special treat (for them not me!) I got dressed up in a Cow outfit they bought for me from Singapore. Lots of laughing for everyone. Glad I can still entertain the peeps!

3. We spent a wonderful week in Scone after our house was packed up by the removalists. Loads of fun and games with Grandpa.

...and with Dad.

4. I also got to wear the sleeping bag that Granny knitted me. It was so snuggly and warm. Perfect for the cold Scone night! Unfortunately it is very unlikely I will need it in Broome.

...I even lay infront of an open fire for the first time in my life!!

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