1. eating... check
2. sleeping... check
3. passing of waste ... check (double threat)
Everyone's happy!
Speaking of a trifecta and horse racing... we took a punt on the Melbourne Cup using the sum of Eddie's birth date. Each way on #12 - BAUER. (That is: 3+0+1+0+0+8 = 12.) As it turns out our little lucky charm made us some money! An unbelievable run up the last home straight from BAUER to come second to VIEWED - but only by a nose! He slept through the race of course - but much excitement was had by his parents! And to think ... Eddie's already paying his way!
There are short periods of wakefulness in between the trifecta activities listed above. This is when we have staring competitions with Eddie. We win most of them - with the end of the match usually marked by Eddie losing control of his focus and going cross-eyed! Of course hours go by and all you've really done is stared continuously at the lil man and it certainly doesn't matter if he's staring back or not.
Previously you'd barely find me waking early in the morning for anything less than a trip to the airport to catch a flight somewhere. Now - you hardly notice the time of day. The small gurgling sounds of Eddie waking signal the joy of a cuddle and some more staring time at this precious being.
More photos ...
1. Custom made 'MUNG' t-shirt from Aunty Linda and Aunty DC

1 comment:
Oh stop it already with the pictures I just want a BIG cuddle!
My favorite pic from this lot is theone where Eddie is wearing the blue singlet I just want topick him up and squeeze him :)
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