Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Dance Eddie Dance...
Mum and I went into the Toy Shop last week. We weren't looking for anything in particular, just having a browse. We got a little side tracked down the musical instrument aisle, especially when I discovered a guitar.
Dad thinks this might be good enough to enter the Australia's Funniest Home Videos competition. I'm thinking that he might have a biased opinion and I'm not sure I'm willing to sign the disclaimer.
What do you think?
East Coast Fun
Dad's computer has been in Perth getting a new screen and Mum's still precious about me touching her it's honestly been tough getting some screen-time to sort through the pics from our recent holiday.
Nevertheless - the wait is worth it!
There seem to be a lack of 'group shots' from the big catch ups we had. Mum and Dad were so busy talking to everyone else to notice me, I mean, to take photos... um...of me. If you have any - please email them to Mum as she'd love to put them on here.
1. The joys of stickers and the places you can stick them! Long travel time in the car mean Mum had to be creative with the stickers from the sticker book. She thinks the face makes for a great alternative sticker album.

2. I'm sure I wore out Great-Aunt Issy when we stayed with her. We don't have stairs in our place in Broome, so I wanted to get good mileage out of the ones in her apartment block. I was very lucky to have her company on the stairs...going up...going down...going up...again....going down...

3. I learnt the word 'plane' just before holidays and I also got a toy one as a present for the long trip across the continent. Here I am trying to convince Great-Aunt Issy that she'd like to play with it too. She didn't quite believe me.

4. We were lucky enough to spend some time with Great-Aunt Mary too. Here I'm trying really hard to tell everyone to look at the camera for the photo!!

5. Knitting with Granny. We had heaps of fun in Scone. Here I am leaving a wet surprise for Granny in her glasses case!

6. Watering the garden with Grandpa Bob.
8. Waiting patiently for the guest to arrive. really I just wanted to feel what it was like to sit at Aunty Kate's fancy eating table!! Very special.

9. Hanging with Juno in Bondi. Couldn't get a moments peace to ourselves - everyone kept hanging around!

10. Juno packs a mean punch when it comes to smooches. Shortly after this photo was taken we toppled to the floor.

12. Purple shoes make everything alright.

13. More bath action with Rosie
16. And then comes in for a smooch. I'm playing it very cool!

17. We even had a coffee at our favourite place in Leichhardt, just around the corner from our old home. Mum and Dad seemed to be very happy they had taught me the word 'plane'...coz I was saying it every 5 minutes!! PS - Yes I am still in my PJ's!

We are back in Broome now and well... it's hot and humid. We've been trying to hang onto the memories of swimming at Cable Beach while the rest of the country watch for the snow report on the news!! But the reality is there is no swimming at Cable Beach (jellyfish stingers) and there's been no snow either - or rain. Yep - it's been a dry ole 'wet' season and many of the locals have said it's been a tough one. I guess it's good to get a tough one first up to break us in.
Thank goodness for the pool and airconditioning!!
Big grateful thanks to everyone we stayed with, borrowed stuff off, and caught up with over our holiday to the east coast, and especially to those we didn't get around to see. We miss you all so very very much and think (and talk) about you often. Don't forget to keep sending us updates on your lives, loves and laughs.
Remember it's paradise up here from May to September!! *wink wink nudge nudge*
Ed x
Friday, March 12, 2010
Sticky Times
We've just returned from a FABULOUS holiday in NSW. Sydney first stop, then Scone...and of course back to Sydney...via Dee Why! Mum and I are about to take off to Perth for a few days. So I thought I'd better get a quick entry in before we go!
There's plenty of magical golden moments snapped over the time we were away. I saw both sets of Grandparents, Great Aunt Mary and Great Aunt Isabel, I sought out old flames (Hi Juno! Hi Zoe!), went shopping with Granny and Aunty Kate and had lots of sleep overs.
I know!! Can you cope? SOunds tops huh? Well I can assure you it was!
I'm finding it VERY difficult to chose which pictures to show you! So while I decide (and rack up more frequent flyer points)'s a little movie to keep you satisfied! It's called: STICKY TIMES.
Peace out.
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